Labrador Retriever

Most dogs fall into this category. Medium and Large dogs make up the majority of family pets.

Specialized training programs offered by We Speak K9 focus on the unique characteristics of your dog’s breed. Each breed of dog has a different temperament and we base our training on this to teach your dog the obedience skills he needs to behave in any situation. Our professional training programs are tailored to each dog. We fully evaluate every dog before we formulate a training plan to ensure your dog gets the best possible experience. Most importantly, we want your dog to learn good obedience skills.

When dogs complete our training programs, they are well-versed in good behavior habits and have strong basic obedience and owner recognition skills.


Bone Icon House Training

Rottweiler Potty Training

Bone Icon Avoiding "Puppy Crazies"

Labrador Retriever Basic Obedience

Bone Icon Aggression Control

Border Sheepdog Withdrawal

Bone Icon Separation Anxiety

Siberian Husky Barking

Bone Icon Travel Training

German Shepherd Leash Skills